Dog's & Truth

Today, I realized how similar my dog and I are....ok, I know it sounds kinda whacko, but whatever. I was sitting here on my computer checking my email, and my dog sophie came over to my feet and kinda snuggled in. I continued to check my email, until she began to paw me and whimper a little. I looked down and in an annoyed tone said "what do you want?" She pawed me again, and so I reached down and patted her head, and went back to my email. It only took a few seconds and she was whimpering again, as if to say, that not what I was looking for. So, I picked her up and rubbed her ears for a few minutes. That subsided the whimpering for about 5 minutes, until she brought me her squeaky toy. Finally, I gave up on my email and proceeded to play fetch.
I realized that I often feel like Soph's-all she wanted was my attention, and I could totally relate to that. There's so many times where I feel like all I want is some quality attention, from the people around me, my husband, parents, or friends. And not the kind of attention that is the 2 second (Oh Hi Honey) kind, but the kind where someone looks at you and they're eyes light up and they totally love you no matter what's going on. Often we are too busy to give each other the kind of attention we need or deserve. The kind of attention that say's You are loved, you are a beautiful creation of God and you are loved. I find myself seeking this out so much. Really I think we all need to be reminded of this truth. Where we say to each other, you are a lovable person.
There are days where I just long to be held and know that everythings going to be ok. Those are the days where that truth is the farthest thing from my mind. But that's totally when I need to feel so loved that it doesn't matter about what kind of stuff is going on around me, because I know I am loved, and I feel it. And I know deep down, that that is want matters, and not all the other crap going on.
So ya, I guess I'm learning for myself to give that kind of attention. To pause and say "I love you" to those around me, to let them know they are an amazing creation of God. And perhaps we can all get better at reminding each other of this truth.