My Inside & Unsaid Life

Experience my thoughts and views

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Location: St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada

I grew up on the East Coast, for the most part, from Halifax NS, I love tea & homemade soup! I have lots of cool things I want to do in life, like have my own coffee shop, record a cd, be a mom, and I'm married to an wonderful guy-Phil from Sarnia, who is the best husband ever! I have a Cocker spaniel named Sophie, she is my baby, and a house in St. Thomas. We are a part of the New Hope Church Community, where we are a part of the Student Life.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

from a questioning wife

So lately my husband has picked up this idea that he needs to get into baseball and football, which he never has before. This whole idea that although he may not have totally liked these sports before or have been "into" them, but somehow now feels the need to change-well I just don't get. He's a hockey guy, and to be honest, that's good enough for me. The whole idea of adding two more sports to his tv schedule kinda annoys me. Ie whole Hockey thing, but I don't think I can continue with these others. I must say that I have been pretty supportive with the whole hockey thing. I don't get football at all, no matter how hard I try, well actually I don't, but either way, it just doesn't make sense. And baseball is just soooo boring, even live, like in the stadium, never mind on TV. I just don't get it. The question I guess is why are you guys so obsessed with Sports. Why do you spend so much time watching, and strategizing and cheering for your favorite teams and players? And what gets me the most is the fact that once the season ends, another one is starting up again, Hockey finishes, baseball starts, and it just keeps going and going. There's no sports what's the deal fella's? Why is this sports world never-ending? Don't you ever get tired of playoff after playoff, year after year?